Results for 'J. L. Tasset'

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  1. E. Guisán , "Esplendor y Miseria de la Etica Kantiana". Ed. Anthropos, Barcelona-1988. [REVIEW]J. L. Tasset - 1988 - Agora 7:247.
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  2. (2 other versions)Evil and omnipotence.J. L. Mackie - 1955 - Mind 64 (254):200-212.
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    God for all time : from theism to ultimism.J. L. Schellenberg - 2016 - In Andrei A. Buckareff & Yujin Nagasawa, Alternative Concepts of God: Essays on the Metaphysics of the Divine. Oxford, United Kingdom: Oxford University Press.
  4. The physical: Empirical, not metaphysical.J. L. Dowell, & Janice Dowell - 2006 - Philosophical Studies 131 (1):25-60.
    2. The Contingency and A posteriority Constraint: A formulation of the thesis must make physicalism come out contingent and a posteriori. First, physicalism is a contingent truth, if it is a truth. This means that physicalism could have been false, i.e. there are counterfactual worlds in which physicalism is false, for example, counterfactual worlds in which there are miracle -performing angels.[9] Moreover, if physicalism is true, our knowledge of its truth is a posteriori. This is to say that there are (...)
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  5. Being unimpressed with ourselves: Reconceiving humility.J. L. A. Garcia - 2006 - Philosophia 34 (4):417-435.
    I first sketch an account of humility as a character trait in which we are unimpressed with our good, envied, or admired features, achievements, etc., where these lack significant salience for our image of ourselves, because of the greater prominence of our limitations and flaws. I situate this view among several other recent conceptions of humility (also called modesty), dividing them between the inward-directed and outward-directed, distinguish mine from them, pose problems for each alternative account, and show how my understanding (...)
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  6. Category theory and the foundations of mathematics.J. L. Bell - 1981 - British Journal for the Philosophy of Science 32 (4):349-358.
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    Finlay’s Methodology: Synthetic, Not Analytic.J. L. Dowell - 2020 - Analysis 80 (1):102-110.
    Stephen Finlay’s proposed methodology for defending the central theses of his impressive Confusion of Tongues is an underexplored aspect of this work.1 1 His official methodology is analytic : A reduction of normative to non-normative vocabulary. Here, I argue that taking this official line at face-value forces the reader to conclude that the reductions at the heart of that book cannot be correct. In contrast, a philosophical methodology that does not proceed via analyses would better support those reductions, then understood (...)
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  8. The relevance criterion of confirmation.J. L. Mackie - 1969 - British Journal for the Philosophy of Science 20 (1):27-40.
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    Astronomical use of pinhole images in William of Saint-Cloud's Almanach Planetarum.J. L. Mancha - 1992 - Archive for History of Exact Sciences 43 (4):275-298.
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  10. De what re is de re modality?J. L. Mackie - 1974 - Journal of Philosophy 71 (16):551-561.
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    Los efectos de la extinción de las especies (The effects of species extinction).M. H. Badii & J. L. Abreu - 2008 - Daena 3 (1):623-631.
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    De theologia civilis van Polybios en Machiavelli.Anton J. L. van Hooff - 1975 - Bijdragen 36 (3):318-327.
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    ¿Estamos asistiendo a una era de teorización de la biología?Juan J. L. Velázquez - 2010 - Arbor 186 (746):1077-1088.
    Durante los últimos años ha habido un creciente interés por parte de físicos y matemáticos en el estudio de problemas que surgen al tratar de comprender cuestiones de biología. Por otra parte los avances en las técnicas experimentales están permitiendo obtener una gran cantidad de información sobre los mecanismos que emplean las células en su funcionamiento. En este artículo se describen algunas líneas de investigación en matemáticas cuyo estudio ha sido motivado por el estudio de problemas biológicos.
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    Righteous Rāma. The Evolution of an EpicRighteous Rama. The Evolution of an Epic.Barton von Nooten & J. L. Brockington - 1987 - Journal of the American Oriental Society 107 (1):197.
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    Four Prague Lectures and Other Texts.M. J. Woods & J. L. Ackrill - 2001
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    Resistance to extinction as a function of the type of response elicited by frustration.H. M. Adelman & J. L. Maatsch - 1955 - Journal of Experimental Psychology 50 (1):61.
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    Critical notice.Review author[S.]: J. L. Austin - 1952 - Mind 61 (243):395-404.
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    On the heavens.J. L. Stocks - 1984 - In Jonathan Barnes, Complete Works of Aristotle, Volume 1: The Revised Oxford Translation. Princeton University Press.
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    Reply to professor Beck.John Wild & J. L. Cobitz - 1948 - Philosophy and Phenomenological Research 9 (4):728-730.
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  20. Goods and evils.J. L. A. Garcia - 1987 - Philosophy and Phenomenological Research 47 (3):385-412.
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  21. Health versus harm: Euthanasia and physicians' duties.J. L. A. Garcia - 2007 - Journal of Medicine and Philosophy 32 (1):7 – 24.
    This essay rebuts Gary Seay's efforts to show that committing euthanasia need not conflict with a physician's professional duties. First, I try to show how his misunderstanding of the correlativity of rights and duties and his discussion of the foundation of moral rights undermine his case. Second, I show aspects of physicians' professional duties that clash with euthanasia, and that attempts to avoid this clash lead to absurdities. For professional duties are best understood as deriving from professional virtues and the (...)
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    Some Observations on the Problems of Grading Examinations with Several Components: a reply to P. J. Squire.Roger J. L. Murphy & Robert M. Adams - 1979 - Educational Studies 5 (3):225-230.
    (1979). Some Observations on the Problems of Grading Examinations with Several Components: a reply to P. J. Squire. Educational Studies: Vol. 5, No. 3, pp. 225-230.
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  23. Sidgwick's pessimism.J. L. Mackie - 1976 - Philosophical Quarterly 26 (105):317-327.
  24. Zorn's lemma and complete Boolean algebras in intuitionistic type theories.J. L. Bell - 1997 - Journal of Symbolic Logic 62 (4):1265-1279.
    We analyze Zorn's Lemma and some of its consequences for Boolean algebras in a constructive setting. We show that Zorn's Lemma is persistent in the sense that, if it holds in the underlying set theory, in a properly stated form it continues to hold in all intuitionistic type theories of a certain natural kind. (Observe that the axiom of choice cannot be persistent in this sense since it implies the law of excluded middle.) We also establish the persistence of some (...)
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  25. Plato and the tripartite soul.J. L. Stocks - 1915 - Mind 24 (94):207-221.
  26. Zombies, cyborgs and wheelchairs: the question of normalcy within diseased and disabled bodies.J. L. Schatz - 2014 - In Nadine Farghaly, Unraveling Resident Evil: essays on the complex universe of the games and films. Jefferson, North Carolina: McFarland & Company, Inc., Publishers.
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  27. The disutility of act-utilitarianism.J. L. Mackie - 1973 - Philosophical Quarterly 23 (93):289-300.
    The paradoxical view of warnock and hodgson that act-Utilitarianism must have disutility is criticised. Simple examples in game theory style show that it does not defeat the possibility of cooperation and that it allows an approximation to truth-Telling. Promising would indeed have only a limited role in an act-Utilitarian society, But that is because its normal function is to aid compromise between divergent purposes. Also, The efforts of a single act-Utilitarian in a non-Act-Utilitarian society need not frustrate themselves, If he (...)
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    Quantum criticality and the suppression of the heavy fermion state in UBe13by high magnetic fields.G. M. Schmiedeshoff & J. L. Smith - 2009 - Philosophical Magazine 89 (22-24):1839-1843.
  29. Schizophrenia: A disorder of affective consciousness.Dennis J. L. G. Schutter & Jack van Honk - 2004 - Behavioral and Brain Sciences 27 (6):804-805.
    Behrendt & Young (B&Y) propose an explanation for schizophrenia in terms of a cortical default in the interaction between consciousness and cognition. However, schizophrenia more likely involves miscommunication between subcortical and cortical affective circuits in the brain, a default in the interaction between consciousness and emotion. The typical “affective” nature of hallucinations in schizophrenia provides compelling evidence for subcortical involvement.
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  30. La théologie aux prises avec l'historiographie.H. -J. Gagey & J. -L. Souletie - 1995 - Recherches de Science Religieuse 83 (4):557-583.
    Les principaux problèmes que Bultmann a posés au plan de l’exégèse historique des textes évangéliques étaient commandés par des positions théologiques et continuent pour ce motif à interroger les théologiens catholiques, qui parfois le rejettent dans le camp tantôt du scientisme tantôt du dogmatisme.Contre la théologie libérale des « vies de Jésus », il élève une double protestation, d’ordre christologique : il revendique le caractère historique de la foi chrétienne, et historique : il prend au sérieux la visée eschatologique de (...)
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    Number: From the nyāya to Frege-Russell.J. L. Shaw - 1982 - Studia Logica 41 (2-3):283 - 291.
    The aim of this paper is to present the Nyāya concept of number in the light of contemporary philosophy and to show that the Frege-Russell concept of number does not contradict the Nyāya concept of number but rather supplements it.
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    The origin and the concept of 'classique' in French art criticism.J. J. L. Whiteley - 1976 - Journal of the Warburg and Courtauld Institutes 39 (1):268-275.
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    The Problem of Evil.J. L. Mackie M. B. Ahern - 1972 - Philosophical Books 13 (1):1-2.
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    Onward Christian Philosophers.Angus J. L. Menuge - 2019 - Philosophia Christi 21 (1):11-15.
    Christian philosophers have engaged naturalism in three main ways: direct refutation; systematic comparison; and sustained development of compelling alternative accounts. While all of these options have value, I argue that it is, and especially, that are most likely to win converts, and that we are witnessing an encouraging strategic shift in that direction. Options and bring Christian philosophers into closer dialogue with their naturalistic counterparts, building mutual respect and a greater opportunity for Christian philosophers to gain a full and fair (...)
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    Animal chauvinism, plant-regarding ethics and the torture of trees.J. L. Arbor - 1986 - Australasian Journal of Philosophy 64 (3):335 – 339.
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    Isomorphism of structures in s-toposes.J. L. Bell - 1981 - Journal of Symbolic Logic 46 (3):449-459.
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    Stationary nonequilibrium solutions of model Boltzmann equation.N. Ianiro & J. L. Lebowitz - 1985 - Foundations of Physics 15 (5):531-544.
    We give an explicit solution of a model Boltzmann kinetic equation describing a gas between two walls maintained at different temperatures. In the model, which is essentially one-dimensional, there is a probability for collisions to reverse the velocities of particles traveling in opposite directions. Particle number and speeds (but not momentum) are collision invariants. The solution, which depends on the stochastic collision kernels at the walls, has a linear density profile and the energy flux satisfies Fourier's law.
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  38. L'association: Un champ pour la sociologie économique: Sociologies économiques.J. -L. Laville - 1997 - Cahiers Internationaux de Sociologie 103:335-350.
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    On the distinction between the analytic and the synthetic.John Wild & J. L. Coblitz - 1947 - Philosophy and Phenomenological Research 8 (4):651-667.
  40. On the strength of the Sikorski extension theorem for Boolean algebras.J. L. Bell - 1983 - Journal of Symbolic Logic 48 (3):841-846.
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    Fluage de molybdène sous irradiation par les fragments de fission a 20 K.Par L. Zupplroli, J. L. Pouchou, A. Francois, J. Leteurtre & Y. Quere - 1977 - Philosophical Magazine 35 (4):853-870.
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    Foucault y la historia de la filosofía.Villacañas Berlanga, L. J. & Rodrigo Castro Orellana (eds.) - 2018 - Madrid: Dado Ediciones.
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  43. Heidegger: An Illustrated Study.Walter Biemel & J. L. Mehta - 1979 - Religious Studies 15 (3):417-418.
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    Charge and spin density distributions in the ferromagnetic alloy Fe2B.P. J. Brown & J. L. Cox - 1971 - Philosophical Magazine 23 (183):705-725.
  45. From metaphysical to substantive naturalism: A case study.J. L. Dowell - 2004 - Synthese 138 (2):149-173.
    This paper addresses two related questions. First, what is involved in giving a distinctively realist and naturalist construal of an area of discourse, that is, in so much as stating a distinctively realist and naturalist position about, for example, content or value? I defend a condition that guarantees the realism and naturalism of any position satisfying it, at least in the case of positions on content, but perhaps in other cases as well. Second, what sorts of considerations render a distinctively (...)
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    The problem of comparative value.J. L. A. Garcia - 1989 - Mind 98 (390):277-283.
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  47. Optic flow estimation by means of the polynomial transform.H. Yuen, B. Escalante & J. L. Silvan - 1996 - In Enrique Villanueva, Perception. Ridgeview Pub. Co. pp. 181-182.
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    Modelo para la exposición de la materia de ingeniería de software I (Model for teaching the software engineering I class).L. Rayas & J. L. Abreu - 2008 - Daena 3 (1):701-750.
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    La educación de la juventud de fray Martín Sarmiento.Martín Sarmiento & J. L. Pensado - 1984 - [Galicia]: Xunta de Galicia, Servicio Central de Publicacións. Edited by J. L. Pensado.
  50. Two errors in the text of the'Meditationes'(Descartes).V. Carraud & J. L. Marion - 1999 - Archives de Philosophie 62 (1):A3 - A4.
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